Our Services

  • We work with HR departments to help reimagine grief in the workplace, including consulting on bereavement policies. We also provide support for teams who are currently affected by grief.

  • We can teach death literacy to educators, caregivers, and anyone else interested. We can also provide support for teams who work with or are confronted with end-of-life or are dealing with grief.

  • We teach death and grief literacy for clinicians in didactics, with CE approval anticipated in late 2024.

  • Workshops we have produced include:

    Designing Grief Rituals

    Dead Pet Show & Tell

    Death cafes/Grief circles

    Grieving Ancestral Trauma as Healing Practice

  • Study mindfulness techniques that are thousands of years old, whether to deepen or begin your practice.

  • Non-medical support for end-of-life, including the dying person and/or their loved ones. Services may include grief literacy, legacy/memorial planning, administrative support, support designing individual or group ritual, and more.

  • For those looking to dive into their grief with psychedelic medicine, we can help with the intention setting & ceremonial design, as well as integration. For those who are dealing with grief that arose unexpectedly in ceremony, we can provide integration support.